Monday, January 21, 2013

In 1981, the miniature world talked of mini auctions

In the Fall 1981 issue of  " The Miniature Magazine" an article was written
byCarol Lippert Gray and began the article by writing
 " Auction mania has swept the country."

As I read this article, I knew not only was this blog about old is new again, I realized that in a way, the miniature world also repeats itself. What was important in 1981 antique minis at auction is now important to the Natioetnal Association of Miniature Enthusiasts.
Last week the NAME Estate Auction website went live.Estate items are finding new homes.

In my research and examining miniatures donated to NAME, I have found the below pictures sofa. I need some help in learning
 more about the artisan and am hoping someone in the internet world can tell me more about Bill Reynolds.
The  craftsman ship of the one of a kind sofa and the upholstery work on this sofa is beautiful and there is a matching chair.

On the underside of the sofa one will see:
 Bill Reynolds
15 Dec. 1982

This sofa will be placed on the NAME Estate Auction website soon. In order to bid you must be a member of NAME, be registers as a NAME Online members and registers as an auction bidder.
Need help? Email me!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Grand Opening of the NAME estate auction website

Happy Dance from the NAME Estate Queen!

The "GRAND OPENING" of the NAME Auction website is a GO!
I love the new software program and you will too.
Are you ready to register... it is as easy as  1-2-3.. I really mean it too!
Here is the website:

In the upper right hand corner of this website page you will see
"register" click on that and fill in the blanks and you can begin bidding!

I have and will be adding new items every day on the site for the next 10 days. Please note item closing are staggered. I want you to keep coming back , visiting the site and see all of the options for you to use. Please remember when you want to see a larger picture of an item, just click on the picture and a larger picture will appear on your computer screen.

You have payment options galore and shipping and handling will automatically be added to your invoice at the close of a bidding period. International bid winners- will need to have their shipping and handling adjusted before payment can be made. Sorry.

If you have any questions, there is a place on the site for you to send me a question. I can also send you messages from the website and newsletters!

I love this program and may the old program rest in peace in cyper software heaven!

Many thanks to office Kim and to Tom Walden for setting up the software and all the payment options for you to enjoy the auction experience.

Go forth- register and start bidding! Also spread the word as there is no way I can reach all of our NAME members immediately. Be good ambassadors and tell your NAME friends that WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS.
May I also apologize if you are getting this message several times, it just means you are in several of my NAME email address groups.

Love to all of you and thanks for living with me through all of this!
NAME Board of Trustee Member

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Searching for artist information- HELP!

I always enjoy a miniature search and today is a search trying to find information about an artisan.
His name is Bill Miller. I have no idea who he is or where is his from but I have in my possession an outstanding miniature.
This handcrafted , one of a kind water pump ( handle really operates) which was owned by NAME member Janet King from Martinsville, Indiana. Janet's collection was amazing and her friend and mine, Vicki Fox of Indianapolis has made sure since the passing of Janet this past year, many of Janet's miniatures are finding new homes.
Vicki has donated this piece to the A-3 Region of NAME's Lexington All Scales Houseparty to be held May 17-19, 2013. The Houseparty has two special activities where Houseparty attendees have the opportunity to be the proud owners of special miniatures, vignettes, roomboxes and even dollhouses.
This piece will be at HP13 and wants a new home BUT I want to know more abut Mr. Miller. Who can help me located this man or find out more about him?